29 August 2008

H + S

My mood is on two diseases right now: Homesickoma + sicknessitis


This is the cause of the so-called homesickoma;

If everyday I have a very hectic life, but today, 90% of my life is in the car. Heh. Since early in the morning jadi driver hantar teman-teman ke Terminal Makmur. Baktisiswi (berbakti kepada mahasiswi) sebelum mula cuti. Mentang-mentang kena stayback.

Im glad to help those friends, and make their heart at ease. Ease-because they got a driver and could be there safely.

Favourite words from them today: "Jom makan sama buat kali terakhir sebelum cuti."
Thus, sejak semalam our meal were been sponsored~!
What I could detect from their words is, "pasni puasa susah nak kuar makan waktu siang sama-sama."
Aite..? Haha.

Ramadhan is coming, I'm very much excited..!!

Kampus beransur lengang, dan kini lengang yang amat.

All this were the cause of my homesickoma. Heh, stop bangau-ing~!

Okay, 12.30midnite, another baktisiswi on the go~.

note updated: To some friends yang did not arrive according to expected time to your hometown due to technical problems of the buses etc, harapnya sudah berbahagia di rumah dan segala kebengang-an sudah hilang :D

*how terrible your mood is, try to give your smile to others. Smile is the easiest sadaqah.

~senyum seindah suria, yang membawa cahya-

*senyumlah walau bukan dari hati murni


Unknown said...

"pasni puasa susah nak kuar makan waktu siang sama-sama."

itu sangat betol! jadi jangan menolak sekiranya orang nak belanja makan! *ape2 pun kalo orang nak belanja makan, never say no aite?


awat tak balik as?

As said...

"awat tak balik as"

dua kali da soklan tuh en zaki tanya
