I feel like it has been quite a long time since my last entry here. Heh. So now, even though the issue is quite outdated, but I wanted to share something here with you guys, as usual.
I was in Pengkalan Chepa at that particular time with candlesky and mawar merah, when the solar eclipse starts at 4.37pm. After 5.00pm, we have the opportunity to engage in a rare Sunnah, the Solat Sunat Kusuf in KB town.
It is a recommended 2 rak'at prayer when solar or lunar eclipse takes place.
"The Sun and the Moon are two of the Signs (Ayat) of Allah: they do not darken for the death or birth of any person, but Allah strikes fear into His servants by means of them. So when you see them darken, remember and mention Allah, declare His Greatness, offer prayer, give in charity, and supplicate to Him and seek His forgiveness." (Bukhari)
The Sunnah is for the prayer to be held in congregation in the masjid, although individuals who cannot reach the congregation may pray alone. Women may attend the congregation or pray at home individually.
Okay, that is only an additional info. What I would like to highlight here is our reactions towards this rare scene of ayatullah (sign of Allah). After the prayer, we went out of the mosque waiting for the mid eclipse at 5.54pm for the best coverage.
At first we cannot see the eclipse and in fact I were a bit depressed to think of how would it looks like. After a while, we were so amazed seeing one of His signs. This is our first time watching the eclipse. The sun change its shape slowly, and sometimes becoming purple-red in colour.
“When the sight is dazed, and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and moon are joined together: Man will say on that day, Where is the refuge?.” (Surah al-Qiyamah)
We were there, standing directly facing to the sun.
It's really amazing.
I am not writing to show you guys my good side or anything related to it (nauzubillah..), but I would like to share my heartbreaking towards our fellow Muslims brothers and sisters. While we were there, they were just walking around, like they did not know about the eclipse (or maybe they really do not know). And it's hard for me to find any of them going to the mosque (which is very near, only few metres away) to perform the Solatul Khusuf.
They're also playing around with us. Maybe for them, it's sort of weird for us to stand there, watching the sun for nothing. And taking some pictures.
"Buat apelah amik gambar matahari tuh, amik ah gambar kami nih." This is what they said for few times and that caused us to move slowly to another port :D
It's okay, let us just take it positively about them. Maybe they have their own reasons. Maybe they perform the prayer in their own places. Maybe..
It's just a regret to miss that kind of rare event with our own eyes and also to miss the rare sunnah.
regret to missed the eclipse. was a bit cloudy here in KL and having a tiring day that time. never performed solat khusuf before
dear myadlan
it's ok anyhow
Allah knows best, may Allah grant us another chance to watch the eclipse
But..it's a greater regret if we missed our obligation towards Him rather than the sunnah..aite? hehe
glad u made it..
ah. tak sempat tengok. walaupun time tu ada di t'ganu.
isk isk.
haha...Tuan langsung tak sedar. dulu maser Tuan form2 dulu, satu sekolah cuti separuh hari,,,,eh...student lelaki jer kot...
yup alhamdulillah
thanks for the infos
takpe inshaAllah ade peluang lenkali
takpun nanti mintak Allah preview kat syurga, ameen :)
eh time tuan form 2 dulu ade eh eclipse, mesti as terlalu kanak2 smpai tak tau :D
cuti lak tuh..huu
akak b'untung kn dpt tgk eclipse... sy t'ingin sgt tp sy x b'peluang la nk tgk.. huhuhu...
OH..waktu ni aku kat ECM. Sob n Azuwan tngok. Tp ble aku sindri tngok..xde ape2 pon beza. Maybe its's not the best view kot..slalu klu gerhana ade tempat2 pertentu kan yg jelas?
btw..lpas baca entri ni baru tau ade solat sunat ni. So i was like.. "ooo..there is such prayer actually!"
nape NAS?
akak blur..hehe
senanya kalau tgk sekali imbas dan tatau ia adalah gerhana, kita takkan dpt tgk bentuk matahari sebenar tika itu.
Memula kitorang camtulah jugak, mcm takde pape je. Tapi bila try tgk bebetul baru nampak bentuk die laen..cam cth dlm gambar atas neh..yang reflect ke tepi bentuk ala2 bulan tu lah bentuk matahari time as amik gambar tuh.
If tgk ngan mata nampak ah matahari tuh bentuk laen, despite of the cahaya yang sangat bright menyebabkan ilusi optik nampak ia sphera. Haha suka ati je tibai ilusi optik. Mintak maaf aa sob dna azuwan :D
org tak tahu mmg akan rasa pelik :(
andai diselongkar seluruh alam
maka tidak kemampuan kau melakukannya
kerna terhadap kau pada ciptaan
maka terkesan sunyi di hatimu kebesaran Tuhan empunya alam
kerna telah ramai yang menyaksi
tak bermakna semua akan mengerti
kerna paham hati masing2
dan sudut pandangan bicara akal berlainan tak berkesudahan
maka yang melihat harus berkongsi
dan mengingat pada yang terlupa
agar tak keruan murninya hati
keindahan alam buat santapan nurani mengenal Tuhan semesta alam
agar takjub dan teguh hati
bahwa KEHEBATAN dan KEBESARAN hanya milik Pencipta Yang Esa
hanya Dia...cuma
(terima kasih kerana mengingatkan!!!)
mak su
yup..once tgk tatau nak cakap camne perasaan..hebatNya ciptaan Dia
ibnu sobri
baca sajak spontan neh
baru sangat2 trasa betapa beruntungnya mata ini yang melihat dan berjaya menafsir pengertian sebenar tika itu..
memang pengalaman yang amat sangat tak dapat dilupakan.
and alhamdulillah mata still ok =)
huu risau jugak senanya tapi sebab nak tgk sgt3..nikmat yang teramat..
tapi memang betullah,kalau nk tgk eclipse,jgn tengok direct without pakai ape2 protection kat mate.
love ur eyes =)
salam hasanah, lama dah tak jenguk, mmg antara org yg rajin update nih...heh
gamba yg last skali tu, mmg nampak eclipse, tapi dia reflection dekat lense je kan?
pasal nak tangkap eclipse dgn digital camera, actually it is very hazardous to do so, even film that has not been developed yet.. it could damage your eyes, even your camera sensor. i don't think that u will need a dslr to capture an eclipse. a standard camera is enough, provided u know how to do it.
mawar merah
itulah..pakai negative film ok :D
thanks for the godd information..
gembira to know :)
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