Ini sambungan kisah kehidupan seorang yang suka mengambil gambar. Yang telah lama mencari masa untuk menyampaikan ucapan untuk hari yang penuh makna buat seseorang yang sangat berharga di hatinya. 5 december yang telah jauh berlalu. And please consider this entry as a wish for your birth date. Appreciating your presence in this world, which had enlighten many hearts..
Cha! pinjam gambar birthday cake cha yang kitorang decorate ni okeh! :)
Glad to share your birthday, selama 8 tahun daripada 23 tahun umur saya, kita telah hidup bersama-sama, menangis bersama, ketawa bersama, solat bersama, travel bersama dan paling penting, MAKAN bersama-sama. This is the moment which I cherish the most. Hihi. Yes, Cha, Wawa and Kiniey, you guys know why we really love this moment. Tiap kali makan tu maknanya ada hidden agenda for 'sharing moment' + 'usrah'.
I am melt reading your entry on kotak kasih sayang. Touched, of course. Below is something wrote by a friend whom I had lost years ago. I would like to share with you coz this is really true..
Dear you,
A true friend is not one who is always by your side (literally...)
but they are those whom you always remember,
whom you always pray for,
whom your memories play with..
they are the one's who pray for you,
the one's that's always there for you,
the one's with advices for you.
the one's that keep secrets secret..
Those are the true colours of a true (ly) great friend,
one can share your secrets with
one you tell your nightmares
one you share your dreams
one you missed the memories with them..
It's not just some thoughts..
I knew it's true..because
I've found you..
Thanks for being there. Thanks for showing me what true friends are like. For your love and this friendship. For everything else, the memories..the time we spend together..
Terima kasih tak terhingga. Tatau nak cakap macam mana. Kiniey tanyalah hati ni ye..hanya hati ni je mampu jawab..
it's magic hour of sunset! the best moment I've ever shared with you guys ^_^
For you now, been far away from me, having clinical outside Pahang..and few months left before graduation..which is where the true separation begins..despite of all that, may it won't change the feelings and the love..can we remain like this my dear? and a smile would be the answer.
My wish for you and for us. May Allah brings us all close till Jannah..moga iman yang menyatukan hati-hati kita semua..mengikat kita hingga ke Jannah. Hanya itu harapan yang satu jauh di sudut hati ini. Ameen!
amiiin :)
ya Rabbi,
lama tak singgah blog ni,
well blog sendiri dah bersawang.
thinking of re-designing it and
to start writing again.
but I'm kinda rusty, haha.
anyways nice to know that
blog ni masih berjalan hehe.
salam tahun baru.. blogwalking jerr
terasa macam dah lama tak update. hope everything will be good this year. inshaallah
suka tengok gambar as berempat, nampak cahaya persahabatan antara korang. insya allah, didoakan kekal bersama hingga ke syurga =)
oh sangat tersentuh baca entri as ni..
salam.. lawo magic hour. magic hour yang sebenarnya 24 jam sehari..
not bad.. nice blog.. work harder
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