25 December 2007

bicara yang berubah

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Salam buatmu dengan rahmat Allah dan keberkatanNya. Pesan buat diriku, diriku, diriku yang selalu alpa dengan rahmatNya dan dirimu yang disampingku.

Mungkin kebanyakan manusia menuturkannya saban hari kerana ia adalah rutin dan adat, tapi moga kita tergolong di kalangan mereka yang menyampaikannya sebagai satu ‘ibadah dan jua do’a yang penuh kasih sayang atas rasa pengertiannya yang agung.

Ketahuilah salamku penuh makna, do’a buatmu yang tidak dapat kulihat dengan mataku, tetapi yang ku ingat dan kulihat dengan hatiku. Kau yang ku kenal atau tidak.

Hari-hari yang dilalui penuh ujian dan warna-warna kehidupan, yang pastinya menjadi salah satu tanda keagungan Ilahi buat hambaNya. Ujian yang mempunyai peringkat berbeza-beza buat setiap jiwa yang pastinya kadang kala menimbulkan pelbagai perasaan kecewa, marah dan kadang kala hingga hilang keyakinanmu kepadaNya.

"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan;

"Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? "

Surah Al-Ankabut : 2

Manusia tidak akan faham apa yang kau alami, maka usahlah timbul rasa marah yang mengganggu hati. Kami manusia biasa yang kadang kala menafsir bukan dari mata hati, menilai dari apa yang tampak, tidak mampu menyelami. Maka tika itu ingatlah, hanya Dia yang menciptakan kita, yang memahami ciptaanNya lebih dari segala-galanya.

حسبي الله لأ إله إ لا هو

عليه توكلت

Moga diberi kekuatan di dalam kesakitan,ketenangan di dalam kegundahan, keimanan tatkala hati berbolak balik.

Pengharapanku hanya kepadaMu!

19 December 2007

S . A .C . R . I . F . I . C . E

P . E . N . G . O . R . B . A . N . A . N

Individu yang berbeza, pengertian yang berbeza, pengorbanan yang berbeza.

For eidul adha, it was a memorable sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim a.s. Celebrated on the 10th of Zulhijjah, the last month in Islamic calendar. Being born on this date made me think back again, the sacrifices I did throughout the year. May it boost my spirits, inshaAllah.

For those who performing hajj, taqabballahu minkum, ameen. Hoping to have a chance seeing baitul 'atiq one day, inshaAllah.

Well, don't forget to have takbir in these three days. Jangan hanya eidul fitri yang dibesar-besarkan, namun eidul adha disisihkan. If they were to be compared, takbir for eidul adha is required for 3 days continuously. Sepatutnya ia diraikan lebih meriah... Eidul fitri hanya sehari, bukan sebulan yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat kita. Hmm..

Salam eidul adha. Allahuakbar, waliLLahil hamd!


p/s: I've started to mix the languages. Oh, my...

16 December 2007

ulil albab

When I was about leaving a friend’s room going to mine, I saw a friend acting a bit weird. She’s looking for something and walking around. I wanted to ask, but,

“Hmm, takpe dulu kot.” I talked to myself and I went to my room.

After a while she came into my room, look out through my window and a bit ‘mundar-mandir’ I should say. I was on my way to take ablution for maghrib prayer. To think that I have to ask why, I did not wait for any further actions and asked,

“My dear, kenapa ni? Tengok ape?”

“Erm, perasan tak matahari tu dah terbenam exactly at that point?” She answered me and showing her finger through the window.

“Yup, it was changing starting last November. As perasan sebab dulu cahaya matahari petang tak masuk bilik as, tapi since final exam dulu die dah berubah sket.”

I was a photophobic person naturally, my eyes cannot be exposed to light more than it could and I cannot open up the curtain if it is a bright day. My eyes are very sensitive to light, thus, when the direct light suddenly get through the window, it makes me wanted to see where is the sun located recently.

And then she told me on her story, the same goes to her (except the photophobic story). When the light exactly goes into her room, she became curious. And I got what she meant. I am thinking of the same thing one month ago and I have asked few friends, but no one replies me and left the question unanswered. It left me to forget about the sun for a while until this friend came and asked. Iforgot maybe because it has became a routine. I will discuss about the ‘routine’ things later.

“So, does it mean kiblat kite berubah?” She asked.

Erk, what I supposed to say. “My dear, I was thinking about the same thing tapi as pun tatau nak kata macam mana.” I’m giving her the true feeling of me. Nak wat camne, jahil jugak. Ilmu di dada tak seberapa.

“Kiblat kita kena tengok matahari terbenam la kan?”

“Supposedly..kiblat sekarang ni pun as guna kompas je.” Saying and looking at her. We both suddenly being in silent mode. Thinking, looking to the sun.

“Jom, nak pi amik wudhu. Pasni kan ada discussion.” Saya mula mengajak tidak mahu berlama-lama lagi.

We get together going out from the room. At the door, I look at her in a glimpse, looking at the other side and said to her, “Dalam Al Quran surah Ali Imran ayat 190, sesungguhnya pada penciptaan langit dan bumi, pada penggantian siang dan malam, ada tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah bagi orang yang berakal.” No further explaination from me hoping she would understand the meaning behind.

After maghrib prayer, I think again over this matter. Not exactly about the kiblat, but relating to the verse 190 of suratul Imran. How much have I looked over and ponder about the ayatullah (signs of Allah) from His creations. Everyday it was just a routine to look at the sunrise and the sunset, the trees and the rains that pouring, nak-nak musim tengkujuh ni and everything. Either it has given me the ‘ibrah to wonder about or it was just a meaningless routines which I follow everyday.

The same goes to the case of wearing hijab. We’re trained to wear hijab since our childhood which then when we grew up, wearing hijab is a routine without we realize we are actually doing the ‘ibadah to Allah. Doing it not assisted with niat, it was useless. Just because of routine. Alangkah ruginya!

Teringat perbincangan bersama teman dan seorang mas’ulah yang dihormati sabtu lepas berkisar tentang permulan awal an naba’ yang banyak menyentuh tentang alam semesta, yang jika diamati ‘alam ini, sepastinya bergetar jiwa-jiwa.

Kata Syed Qutb dalam kitab tafsir beliau, fil zilaal,

“Bangunlah. Lihatlah.Tolehlah. Fikirkanlah. Renungilah…sesungguhnya di sana ada Tuhan. Di sana ada tadbir. Di sana ada takdir. Di sana ada ujian, dan di sana ada beban. Di sana ada perhitungan. Di sana ada ganjaran dan sesungguhnya di sana ada azab yang perit serta nikmat yang besar.”

The monsoon this time, not just affecting kawasan pantai Timur, but also the other region such as Johor and Malacca. As in surah an naba’ itself verse 14-15,

‘Dan kami turunkan dari awan, air hujan yang tercurah dengan hebatnya,untuk Kami tumbuhkan dengan air itu biji-bijian dan tanam-tanaman.’

It shows the rahmah of the rains. But also it could come as a ‘bala’ (cannot find exact word in English). NauzubiLLah.

Pada ‘alam ada maksudnya tersendiri tentang kekuasaan Maha Pencipta buat mereka yang mahu berfikir. I really Allah hope that Allah will always help me in my way of finding Him, searching for the love which I long. And for you too, amen.

28 November 2007

cases for reference

Reminder : You might find this entry 'offensive' (read: something which is not useful), but try a hit first.

Those cases below are true cases happened to hundreds of IIUM students. Simple cases, but please read through (read: read patiently) to understand the values lie behind them.

Case 1

One message received.

“I think you can access some of your examination results by tomorrow.” A short message service received from a lecturer. I was about a bit curious, why is it very fast?

The day after today (read: tomorrow), I go and check my examination result. But it wasn’t there yet.

“Owh, maybe I need to recheck after 4pm.” My heart said. I waited patiently, I guess so do the other friends.

One day later, I was informed it will be available by 26th November. Ok, I’ll wait. It was a relief, at least I can do many things more in peace. In fact it was mix up with an inquiry to know, huhu. What a terrible feeling.

Conclusion: Still cannot access the result

Moral (read: reminder):

1- In life, things won’t always be as what is being informed.

2- We have to be very patient in everything.

Case 2

It was 26th of November. Everyone surely will be very nervous on getting their own results. It was a phrase given by a kelantanese friend, ‘lembik lutut’. Huhu. After getting ourselves very well tough inner side, we try to access the result, but what is only appear is ‘Result is not available’ in red font.

Then checked again, again and again. How many times, I cannot count. Okay, I can be patient. Wait a while more. Then I still rechecked as I am not learning what is the meaning of giving up. Well I really do hope that in reality, I am really not learning that sense of feeling.

Every time I get nervous (read: a bit nervous only, because I’m getting tired of being nervous) I will think back, do I really wanted to see the result now? It wills maybe destructs my mood and I will have no feeling to do other things.

But the case is I am still checking the result.

Conclusion: Still cannot access the result

Moral (read: reminder):

1-Dare to face even the hardest things in life.

2-Never give up!

3-Don’t just hoping, instead work hard for it and pray for the success.

4-You wouldn’t know until you try.

5-Sometimes, Allah did not give out something on time, maybe because He wanted to give us some more times to recite prayers.

6-Don’t stop praying!

Case 3

It was 4.30 pm when suddenly abang bie from Gombak campus PM me and said,

“How was your result? It was on. Most of Gombak students already can access theirs.”

“Eh, it is available already? I’ll go and check.” I said to him blissfully.

I then become very nervous, again. Just imagine the feeling of forcing yourself to look through something which is going to be hurtful or rather joyful.

Now, at the same page (read: log in page for result slip). Clicked and go. Guess what, a white empty page appeared.

“Oh, no, again? I say man (read: aiseyman).”

Then, I tried many times, again and again. Still not giving up? Yes I am. Until midnight I am still trying. As I go this far, I think I really need to learn back what is the meaning of giving up for me to stop for a while.

Conclusion: Still cannot access the result

Moral (read: reminder):

1- Force yourself to be able to face anything in life.

2- You really cannot give up.

3- Please inform your friend for the thing that you know they are waited patiently.

4- Share and spread the information. Sharing is caring.

Case 4

Since morning I decided not to retrieve the result. I was informed; it was the Kuantan students who cannot access the results. Thus, let it be. I think it was something which is cannot be waited. But then I tried once, the result isn’t appeared.

Then, I ask a friend in Gombak campus to inform this kind of problem to Gombak A & R (read: Admissions and Record) division. Thank you Aziz.

In the afternoon, for about before ‘Asr prayer I opened up the page again. Saje je maen-maen, dah agak macam takkan appear lagi. But it wasn’t as what I expected. Bang, the result is in front of me. I am not prepared; however, the result was already there. Yes, my eyes blinked.

“Oh God, here it goes.”

Too many subjects (read: 9 subjects only) to go through. I checked randomly because it was a feeling which we do not know where to look first. I look and look randomly wherever it is, until I reach the last subject in the list.

It was Islamic Worldview. Hey, how come the grade wasn’t there? Stated ‘result not available’. Eh, then how about the GPA? Owh, also not available.

I’m become worried. The result wasn’t as expected to be. I’m quite depressed. A friend suggested to me to guess a moderate grade (read: he suggested B) and try to count up the GPA. I tried and I am not happy with the GPA.

I waited a little longer, then I try to access again, Alhamdulillah the grade was there. Much more than it was expected to be. I counted the GPA again, and I am very happy. Some of the grades made me sad, but then the GPA heals me lots even though it lower (read: kurang 0.172) from the targeted GPA. Overall, syukur!

و شكر الله الحمد لله!

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله

Conclusion: Result retrieved, but no GPA yet (read: kire sendiri le).

Moral (read: reminder):

1- Have a buddy to accompany you in anything. You will be at least a little stronger.

2- Be prepared always, because we don’t know what is coming towards.

3- Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I learn this from RAFEST ‘06/07 when I conducted one of the programmes.

4- Make actions if you wanted something to change. (Read: kalo takleh access result silelah report. Jangan duk tunggu je. Isk.)

5- Allah won’t easily give us something we want, instead He always give the best out of it.

6- Don’t forget to always be a grateful servant of Allah. Alhamdulillah wa syukru liLLah!

7- Cheer up for the future incoming. Be prepared, keep praying and gambate!

والله أعلم با لصواب

27 October 2007

the hopes..

the final exam is finally reaching us..

InshaAllah by this morning we will be having the first final examination paper, nine papers to be done, nine of us.

a message from ustaz hasbullah, lecturer of islamic worldview

My Hope

1. Dont make exam is everything ..... but then, after exam you will get nothing ....
2. Always depend on Allah .... WHO will guide the eximiner to evaluate your answer and performance justly with the spirit of rahmat.... Be closed to Allah , Allah will be closed to You more than yourself.....
3. Be sincere in your study, you will be blessed later on..... soon or future life...

I do my Best and YOU do your Best and ALLAH manages the REST....

Good Luck.

Ya Allah, lapangkanlah hati-hati kami, permudahkan segala urusan, berikan kekuatan, ketenangan dan keyakinan yang mantap kepadaMu..
aku pohon dengan sangat, pohon dengan sangat..pohon dengan sangat..
Rabbi yassir, rabbi yassir, watammim bil khair..ameen.

3 September 2007

the 'can do' spirit

Let the image talk for a brief introduction. You can also click on the image.

Most Outstanding Youth award, it wasnt my first time heard about this award, but for this year i am very impressed to see our Muslim brother, Muhtar Suhaili, being as one of the
shortlisted nominees, the one and only Muslim candidate. Well, i did not realized about this until my father showed me the AYA Dream Malaysia Award 2007 website.

Graduated from IIUM in Mechatronic Engineering, now he serve as a Control & Automation Engineer for Sarawak Shell Berhad, Miri. Being as the President of IIUM
Students’ Representative Council year 2003/04 during his undergraduate study, i believe he had given the best he could to the Muslim community in IIUM.

Born in poverty might be the spirit booster for him to prove that he could be success in life, associated with the hopes from the family. Due to the life experience, he is not hesitate to give out motivational and inspiring talks to the young people as well as his life himself being as the exemplary for others. I do think that young people is the most right person to be emphasized with positive input, to know that they were at the level which easily could be touch by a sincere heart and inspiring words.

Not knowing him personally, but viewing at his blogging life already put me in a very inspiring state to go on with my aim to be as one of the Muslims' contributer, with what i have now and inshaAllah with what i will established in the future to come, Yayasan Raudhah, inshaAllah, ameen.

My dear Muslim brothers n sisters, have your votes count on our Muslim brother, Muhtar Suhaili on this Most Outstanding Youth of 2007 award.
Andai anugerah ini membuka ruang untuk beliau memperluaskan dakwah bukan sahaja melalui ceramah motivasi beliau, bahkan melalui uswatun hasanah yang dipamerkan, moga Allah memberikan kemenangan buat saudara seislam kita. Ameen.

And only Allah who always knows best.


Link : The inspiring blog of akhi Muhtar Suhaili
: About Bro Muhtar Suhaili on NST

1 September 2007

pelangi petang

Sesekali, hidup perlu meniti awan kelabu
dalam menongkah arus perjalanan panjang
kerana hidup penuh dengan tuntutan pengorbanan
sesekali, hidup itu bagai pelangi petang
tak bercahaya namun berseri
dan hanya seketika Cuma
kan pergi bila lembayung senja menyapa sepi
bila gerimis tak lagi sudi menghadirkan diri
bila mentari berlabuh, kerana janji di ufuk timur
tak mungkin diingkari.

Dalam semua yang sementara kecuali DIA
terlalu besar manapun janji pada hati
itu bukannya satu yang pasti.

the birthday cakes

for the three birthday cakes (last 5th aug 07), i thank you guys in advanced, thanks for the loves and supports..
from nabil, adie, opie, wawa, kerry and kak tqah

from the person that i loved most

from sky and cha

and thanks for the celebration, four times ~_^

And only Allah who always knows best

5 July 2007

new spirits - version II

Few days before sangat berkobar2 to go back earlier and getting back the study mood for a brand new life in a new place. But just now hati dibelah dan dibahagi, rase tamau balik pulak. Risau pun ada, macam-macam.
Those are inshaAllah the subjects that has been registered for this semester.

Anatomy I
Physiology I
Critical Thinking in Healthcare
Introduction to Radiography
General Medical Physics
Islamic World View
English for Academic Purpose
Study Circle
[ got one more subject that i forgot ]

quite a few eh, my first time ever got lots of subjects to be cover up in one semester. May Allah gives me strength and guidance through it.
InshaAllah will be going to hospital for pre- practical every thursday alternately.

doakan saya thabat di jalan ini, meneruskan perjuangan dan moga kaki terus melangkah gagah..Allahuakbar!!



touch the people i CARE for
keep them SAFE
remind them of YOUR GREAT LOVE
and BLESS them
especially the one who reading this page…

Oh Allah
Calm these hearts
Strengthen our faith
Guide our way
Light our path
With the Nur of Islam
Light our hearts
With light of Iman

Trying all our best
To be the best
To achieve the best
For the sake of Islam

Trying so hard
To achieve the best
To be the best
For the sake of Islam

Let's try our best and leave the rest
To Allah and get His bless

Oh Allah light up our hearts
With the light of Iman
So we could be the best
We should be the best
We could be the best