Itu ayat biasa di mana-mana. Mintak teman-teman mendoakan. Tapi ada jugak yang akan balas dengan,
"kau doalah sendiri, kau lagi tau kau nak apa."
"kau suh la ustaz-ustaz ke doakan..lagi makbul.."
My dear frens, don't you know that, a prayer from sahabah is really valuable?
As narrated by Muslim
' A Muslim's secret supplication for his brother will be answered. There is an angel at his head each time he offers supplication for his brother, the angel say; "ameen and the same for you."'
When you make du'a for others and others also make du'a for you, Prophet Muhammad promise to us that the du'a will be granted.
Do you know that the pious people part is only when we request for water chanting (of coz with ayatul Qur'an). The more pious the person, the more 'special' the chanting water. It is something like that.
But remember, it is not for du'a as anyone can make their prayers my dear friends! If you say so,
"kau suruhlah ustaz-ustaz doakan kau daripada kau suruh aku."
It is like you are saying that only the prayers from pious people would be granted. Heh. Berat neh. Heh sukati je aku tuduh eh, sape suh kau cakap camtu ;P hehe
Allah is there for anyone, Allah hear you all..yes to all of your prayers. Regardless of who you are, as long as you are sincere and really hope that Allah will grant your prayers, you will have it to come true.
Yes believe me.
Why not when you make prayers for yourself, you also make prayers for your friends, as what you did to your family members. Do not forget your teachers too!
Your du'a, my du'a..add up it becomes lots of du'a. Allah would not just ignore the prayers from those who really hope that He granted the wishes.
When you feel all alone, and you feel nothing could be done to help you, remember that, you have Him. And please have your heart at ease and peace.
It's the power of du'a and tawakkal which will push you forward.
Yes it is. You just need to have your believe in it..!
p/s: kalau rasa serabut cuba tengok gambar kucing atau tengok pantai ;) may Allah make your heart at peace, always..amin.
kucing obese! hehe
moga sanah jadi org kelate...ammeeen=)
dear you know who
tulah pasal..anak kucing ni obese gile kat bahagian perut, as what u see in my cell phone, sampai senget2 beliau jalan..haha.
which make him so adorable!
dear candlesky
haa..doa lagi tau :p ambo nok panda kecek klate neh
tapi camne nok jadi ore klate kalu dok originated from there..ngeh3
alaa as..buat2 tanye plak~ huuuu
exam eh? all the best...
tgk pantai... like i'm always did... tenang hati... hehehe...
that's why i love camping... seronok tgk alam ciptaan ALLAH... sejuk mata memandang...
dear you know who
tunggu cerah subuh sok as sekeh kamu ye
dear muaz nabil
yup2 dha lepas 3 paper..6 more je to go ;)
dear jep
yup beda bedoo
itu memang best tgk alam hijau sume.. :)
All the best exam ye as.
Sentiasa dalam doa =)
betul2..memang best tengok pantai.. =)
abang, thanks.
esok paper dengan radiologist.. ;)
tapi ramai yang tak hargai ketenangan tgk pantai ni..rugi2 :D
hurm..mungkin sebab iklan pasal ombak jahat tu kot wat mereka tak hargai ketenangan pantai..mungkin...
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